- no sch on fri!
and i'm giving myself an off day today
to rest at home.
think i've been working too hard.
or gg out everyday.
even my manager claims not to give me work
so as to let me rest. haha.
oh well.
serene and de qi.
i still owe your your birthday treat.
let's meet out! (:
brought 4 shirts, 1 cardigan and 1 shoe this month.
and i still got so many things to buy! haha
i must be mad.
i've got a new banquet job at mandarin hotel.
so i got 3 jobs now + sch ?! haha.
been having a wild week though school reopen.
work, work, work and play. haha
don't worry, i won't neglect my studies.
and i love my life now.
though you won't be reading this, but thanks for lending me your apron and nametag. really really apreciate it lots. (:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to andy, ah tung, kian hui & yi ting!
so sorry for all the cock ups during for meeting. sorry!
i finally blogged. haha
more work, more play plus no internet connection at my hse,
so equals to no blog. haha.
or maybe i'm plain lazy.
sch is starting soon.
and i dint even save up any money till now.
there goes my holiday plan.
i'm so so tired.
i need a rest.